Monday, March 26, 2012

Garden Bon Bon Giveaway

"This candy is for planting, not for eating!"  These amazing truffle-like balls are actually seed balls that are hand-made using a centuries-old technique of rolling seeds with rich organic compost and clay.  Just plop them in a pot or sunny part of your yard, water and watch them grow!  Moulton is graciously giving away TWO BOXES of Garden Bon Bons to Reckless Abandon Readers.  You could win one of these two kitchen-friendly varieties:

1. Italian Herbs- Basil, Parsley, Chives and Thyme
2. Edible Flowers - Violas, Calendulas, Anise Hyssop and Nasturtium 

There will be two winners announced right here on Reckless Abandon on Wednesday, April 4th so enter to win....or enter multiple times by doing one or more of the following.  Don't forget to COMMENT ON THIS POST EACH TIME YOU ENTER -

1. Pin a picture of The Garden Bon Bons to pinterest (click on the pin-it button at the bottom of this post)
2. Tweet about this giveaway mentioning @GardenBonBon AND @RachelLeeNob
3. Pin a Reckless Abandon recipe you want to try - (pin from an older post or re-pin from this board)
4. Sign-up for recipes via e-mail on the right side of the blog (already signed-up? still enter to win by commenting below!)

Click "read-more" below to learn more about Moulton, The Bon Bons, and how to plant them...I promise you don't have to be a pro and you don't even need a yard! They would make a great gift for your mom (mother's day is coming up) or a friend!

Do these Garden Bon Bons sounds familiar? Maybe you've read about them in a past issue of Sunset Magazine, Bon Appetit or Good Housekeeping! Get your green thumb on and enter to win!


Moulton is small garden shop devoted to providing top quality service and products.  Garden Pops are their new products that look like lollipops but are planted similarly to the Bon Bons by just placing on the soil and watering! 

See some more pics of the Bon Bons you could win below - 


  1. I pinned this on Pinterest, this looks awesome.

    1. Ellen, your profile doesn't have your email attached to it so make sure to check back next week if you win!

  2. SO SO cute, Rachel don't know how to pin but wanted to say hi!!! (: hugs to you. have a good day!!

    1. Connie, you're already an email subscriber, so I'll enter you to win!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love these! How cute. BTW...I am trying your Roast Chicken tonight...can't wait! See you soon.

  5. What a fun way to grow herbs! I'm pinning to Pinterest!

  6. How fun! I'm at work but I'll pin to pinterest later, and you're already on my blog roll as you know ;-) Miss you cousin. I want to talk soon. I need your wonderful eye for wedding planning!

  7. I tweeted about the giveaway (I don't have a pinterest account... yet)

    Very cool giveaway

  8. These are so awesome! Pinned these as part of my gardening research!

  9. These are adorable! I did everything except tweet...that's a whole other world to me :)

  10. I signed up for your e-mail list!


Looks good? Made it? Wanna try it? Leave me a Comment...I love them!